2,481 research outputs found

    Nonregenerative MIMO Relaying with Optimal Transmit Antenna Selection

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    We derive optimal SNR-based transmit antenna selection rules at the source and relay for the nonregenerative half duplex MIMO relay channel. While antenna selection is a suboptimal form of beamforming, it has the advantage that the optimization is tractable and can be implemented with only a few bits of feedback from the destination to the source and relay. We compare the bit error rate of optimal antenna selection at both the source and relay to other proposed beamforming techniques and propose methods for performing the necessary limited feedback

    The Practical Challenges of Interference Alignment

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    Interference alignment (IA) is a revolutionary wireless transmission strategy that reduces the impact of interference. The idea of interference alignment is to coordinate multiple transmitters so that their mutual interference aligns at the receivers, facilitating simple interference cancellation techniques. Since IA's inception, researchers have investigated its performance and proposed improvements, verifying IA's ability to achieve the maximum degrees of freedom (an approximation of sum capacity) in a variety of settings, developing algorithms for determining alignment solutions, and generalizing transmission strategies that relax the need for perfect alignment but yield better performance. This article provides an overview of the concept of interference alignment as well as an assessment of practical issues including performance in realistic propagation environments, the role of channel state information at the transmitter, and the practicality of interference alignment in large networks.Comment: submitted to IEEE Wireless Communications Magazin

    Improving hardness and toughness of boride composites based on AlMgB14

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    The search for new super-hard materials has usually focused on strongly bonded, highly symmetric crystal structures similar to diamond. The two hardest single-phase materials, diamond and cubic boron nitride (cBN), are metastable, and both must be produced at high temperatures and pressures, which makes their production costly. In 2000, a superhard composite based on a low-symmetry, boron-rich compound was reported. Since then, many advances have been made in the study of this AlMgB14--TiB2 composite. The composite has been shown to exhibit hardness greater than either of its constituent phases, relying on its sub-micron microstructure to provide hardening and strengthening mechanisms. With possible hardness around 40 GPa, an AlMgB 14--60 vol% TiB2 approaches the hardness of cBN, yet is amenable to processing under ambient pressure conditions.;There are interesting aspects of both the AlMgB14 and TiB 2 phases. AlMgB14 is comprised of a framework of boron, mostly in icosahedral arrangements. It is part of a family of 12 known compounds with the same boron lattice, with the metal atoms replaced by Li, Na, Y or a number of Lanthanides. Another peculiar trait of this family of compounds is that every one contains a certain amount of intrinsic vacancies on one or both of the metal sites. These vacancies are significant, ranging from 3 to 43% of sites depending on the composition.;TiB2 is a popular specialty ceramic material due to its high hardness, moderate toughness, good corrosion resistance, and high thermal and electrical conductivity. The major drawback is the difficulty of densification of pure TiB2 ceramics. A combination of sintering aids, pressure, and temperatures of 1800°C are often required to achieve near full density articles. The AlMgB14--TiB2 composites can achieve 99% density from hotpressing at 1400°C. This is mostly due to the preparation of powders by a high-energy milling technique known as mechanical alloying. The resulting fine powders have high activity, and Fe from wear debris acts as a sintering aid. Mechanical alloying improves the sinterability of the composite material, it has the same effect on pure TiB2. TiB 2 processed by high-energy milling has been found to achieve 99% theoretical density at 1400°C with the addition of ∼1 wt% Fe.;Both the AlMgB14--TiB2 composites and pure TiB2 produced from these methods have enhanced mechanical properties due to their fine microstructures. These materials show exceptional promise in the field of wear resistance. This includes cutting tools, erosion resistant coatings, and low-friction sliding contacts to name a few. Under certain wear conditions, the composite material can show performance on par with that of current high-end cBN and WC materials tailored for wear resistance. The composite material also exhibits low reactivity with Ti alloys, a pre-requisite for effective machining of these alloys, a trait that few hard materials possess


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    A long-term whole-farm analysis compared conventional and low-input farming systems. Data from a nine-year agronomic study at the Rodale Research Farm, Kutztown, Pennsylvania, were used to analyze profitability, liquidity, solvency, and risk on a representative commercial grain farm. Conventional and low-input farms participating in government programs are the most profitable scenarios, followed by conventional and low-input farms not participating in government programs. All farms increased their net worth. The low-input approach is advantageous for risk-averse farmers using a safety-first criterion.Crop Production/Industries, Environmental Economics and Policy,

    Conservative Estimation of Perception Relevance of Dynamic Objects for Safe Trajectories in Automotive Scenarios

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    Having efficient testing strategies is a core challenge that needs to be overcome for the release of automated driving. This necessitates clear requirements as well as suitable methods for testing. In this work, the requirements for perception modules are considered with respect to relevance. The concept of relevance currently remains insufficiently defined and specified. In this paper, we propose a novel methodology to overcome this challenge by exemplary application to collision safety in the highway domain. Using this general system and use case specification, a corresponding concept for relevance is derived. Irrelevant objects are thus defined as objects which do not limit the set of safe actions available to the ego vehicle under consideration of all uncertainties. As an initial step, the use case is decomposed into functional scenarios with respect to collision relevance. For each functional scenario, possible actions of both the ego vehicle and any other dynamic object are formalized as equations. This set of possible actions is constrained by traffic rules, yielding relevance criteria. As a result, we present a conservative estimation which dynamic objects are relevant for perception and need to be considered for a complete evaluation. The estimation provides requirements which are applicable for offline testing and validation of perception components. A visualization is presented for examples from the highD dataset, showing the plausibility of the results. Finally, a possibility for a future validation of the presented relevance concept is outlined

    The Nebraska Stream Fishery Surveys: Being a Comparison of the First Statewide Collections of Raymond Johnson (1939-1941) with a Recent Resurvey (2003-2005)

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    The first statewide survey of Nebraska fishes was done between 1939 and 1941. This survey was repeated between 2003 and 2005. This document compares and contrasts the results of those two surveys to illustrate what has changed and what hasn\u27t changed over that 60 year period. It is hoped that this document can serve as a resource for future researchers to track changes in Nebraska\u27s fish communities

    Hydrogenolysis of [PhBP_3]Fe≡N-p-tolyl:  Probing the Reactivity of an Iron Imide with H_2

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    This paper describes the reductive hydrogenolysis of a low-spin (S = 1/2) iron(III) imide. Pseudotetrahedral [PhBP_3]Fe^(III)≡N-p-tolyl is reduced by hydrogen at ambient temperature and pressure in benzene solution. The reduction appears to proceed in a stepwise fashion. An intermediate S = 2 iron(II) anilide, [PhBP_3]Fe(N(H)-p-tolyl), is observed and has been independently generated and structurally characterized. Prolonged hydrogenolysis in benzene results in the complete hydrogenolysis of the Fe−N linkage to release H2N-p-tolyl. The major iron-containing product formed from this step is the diamagnetic cyclohexadienyl complex, [PhBP_3]Fe(η^5-cyclohexadienyl), which has also been independently prepared and structurally characterized. Evidence is presented to suggest that the final [PhBP_3]Fe(η^5-cyclohexadienyl) product is formed via benzene insertion into a reactive [PhBP_3]Fe^(II)-H intermediate
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